Our Latest Carpet and Upholstery Work Throughout Bexhill, Eastbourne and Hastings
Before, during, after. Cleaning chairs in staff canteen area in Hastings

Cleaning a greasy traffic lane on a nylon carpet – Carpet cleaning service in Eastbourne

Removing black top from an Axminster carpet in Bexhill

Upholstery cleaning before, during & after in Eastbourne

Cleaning and sanitising pet stains in and end of tenancy clean in Bexhill

Removing a Ribena stain from a wool Axminster carpet in eastbourne

Cleaning a flat carpet for a lovely elderly lady whilst in hospital making it all nice a clean for her return

Hot chocolate stain removal on a nylon rug

Cleaning a nylon carpet where the customers slippers go at base of sofa

Removing lots of food s drink spills from this sofa

EOT clean , unfortunately the mark left was a burn mark from the customers iron

Red wine stain removal on a wool carpet. The client had used everything under the sink on it, but thankfully we could still get the stain out

Cleaning the carpets & upholstery in a camper van in Bexhill

Carpet cleaning course pictures
Upholstery cleaning course pictures
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